I love to Share Ideas, Share Tips and Be Inspired by others.

I’m Tracy and I live in the great state of Texas! I’m a child of God and I owe everything I have to him! He alone gives me this platform to share his goodness and love with others through my painting and crafting.
I have a love of all things primitive country, doodles, dots and paint splatters.
My decorating style is rustic country and love to take “this” and make “that” out of it.
I live in a small town with my hubby (aka Mr. Country Charm) we married in 1995 and have 2 sons and 1 grandson (for now 🙂
I retired from my day job after 32 years of service in July 2021 to follow my dream of being full-time video content creator sharing my country crafts with others. In 2023 I hope to open my shop here on the web to offer my creations and ship them to all of the US.
The Lord has blessed me with talents that I love to share with others on my youtube channel here and my facebook page here.
Why do I do this?
Simple! I love to craft, I love to help others and I love to share! I am fortunate to have a wonderful belief that good things happen to good people. Be faithful, love your family, love what you do and love God. I believe in Community over Competition. There is a place for everyone. Simple as that!
Other interesting “this and that” about me:
* My boys are 9 1/2 yrs. apart in age. We never gave up and are blessed with 2 boys.
* My first craft was crocheting and cross stitch. whew! LOL I’ve come so far.
* I am a self-taught painter and owe all the Glory to God for His gifts and talents.
* I live in the same town with my entire family and in-laws. Yes! Very unusual.
* I am the oldest of 4 and I’m told I’m bossy. 🙂
* My entire attic looks like the warehouse of Hobby Lobby – my wonderful hubby helped me set it all up. It is right off of my craft room and very easy to get to. YAY Me! It’s not as pretty as Hobby Lobby but has enough stuff to supply a small store.
* My craft room is also my video room- it’s a long skinny room but I LOVE IT! I am so fortunate to have a handy hubby that can help my dreams come true.
* I live in Brenham, Texas which is home of the famous Blue Bell Ice Cream. Blue Bell is trucked all across the Lone Star State and has plants in several southern states.
* My favorite quote – “Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide”, ~ My Dad.
“When you Change the Way You Look at Things ~ The Things You Look at Will Change” ~ unknown
Facebook Page / Facebook Crafty Group Instagram / You Tube
Make sure and follow me on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for more Crafty Ideas!!